Wednesday 2 May 2012

Experiences of non-dyslexic and dyslexic nursing and midwifery students: how best can their needs be met by Personal Academic Tutor support?

Experiences of non-dyslexic and dyslexic nursing and midwifery students: how best can their needs be met by Personal Academic Tutor support?

Anna Crouch



The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008a; 2008b) not only requires employers to support non-dyslexic students but also requires evidence of how disabled ‘students would be supported both in clinical practice and in the academic environment to help facilitate safe and effective practice sufficient for future registration’ (NMC 2004,p12). Limited research on personal tutor support in nursing and midwifery led to the need for a qualitative study which explored the experiences and needs of 15 non-dyslexic and 7 dyslexic nursing and midwifery students, in relation to personal academic tutor support.

Data was collected by one-to one face to face tape recorded interviews which were then transcribed using semi-structured questions. Analysis of the data by constant comparative method (Glaser & Strauss 1999) assisted by the computer software Nvivo8 were used to analyse data. Themes generated suggest that many of the dyslexic and non-dyslexic students in this study view their experience of their personal tutor as ‘supportive’ but Professional needs for both dyslexic and non-dyslexic students and their perception of how tutors could help seem to vary.

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The Journal Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education can be found at:

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