Friday 27 April 2012

Special edition on internationalisation

This special edition showcases seven articles on aspects of internationalising the student experience. Each article was originally a final assessed report from participants in the University of Northampton's innovative Postgraduate Certificate in Enhancing the International Student Experience.

To see all the articles in this edition go to

ISSN: 2041-3122

The Journal Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education can be found at:

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Focus and Scope

The experience of learners in Higher Education has changed greatly in recent years, reflecting significant shifts in participation rates, diversity, delivery patterns, progression opportunities, and flexibilities afforded by technology. However, the learner experience, as articulated through the student voice, remains under-researched. 

Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education is a new, international, peer-reviewed academic e-journal published twice yearly, enthusiastically addressing the challenge of enhancing learning in Higher Education. The journal seeks to explore innovations which impact on student learning, and to share effective practice across different contexts. It aims to enhance the student experience of learning by an engaged commitment to the student voice. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education thus has a unique mission. It aims to bring together a developing body of pedagogic research investigating the theories and practices associated with learning opportunities (in their broadest interpretation) in HE, with an emerging interest in the learner experience as elicited through the student voice.

Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education seeks to galvanise interest in the field of HE learning, and act as a catalyst and stimulus for further research and dissemination. It seeks to provide a learned forum through which those interested in all aspects of learning and teaching, academic development and study support in HE can debate emerging issues as institutions confront the challenge of more students, studying more flexibly, in managerialist and performative environments. It will be a platform for new authors as well as established ones. It will reflect a participatory paradigm in which the perspectives and understandings of HE students are elicited in order to examine and enhance learning.

The journal is interdisciplinary in scope. It welcomes a diverse range of articles, drawing on a variety of critical, comparative and reflective approaches responding to key agendas in Higher Education. Committed to evidence-informed practice, it will also encourage the setting of new agendas where the student experience can be enhanced.

The Journal Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education can be found at: